Sunday, February 23, 2020

Philosophy Theroy- Conclusion and Premises Essay

Philosophy Theroy- Conclusion and Premises - Essay Example l of prevalent societal attitudes at the time of the film’s making, but could as easily be transferred to more modern times, forcing the viewer to focus on the psychological action occurring rather than the latest high-dollar computer graphic imagery or fast-moving car chase scene. The film opens as the judge in a courtroom informs the jury of its duties before releasing them into the jury room. As the judge speaks, the camera pans across the different faces of the men who comprise the jury as well as the big-eared wide-eyed boy defendant. As the judge gives his directions, he makes it clear that this is a capital murder case and, should the jury return with a guilty verdict, the sentence will be death. With this harsh task on their minds, the jury files quietly into the jury room, none of them looking at the defendant as they do so but with the defendant watching each one of them in turn. As the case is presented, it is made clear that the boy, just turned 18, is on trial for his life accused of having killed his own father in an angry knife attack and then callously removing himself from the home to go watch a film. It is up to the jury to decide, by a vote of guilty or innocent, whether this boy lives or dies. Either they let him go free or they condemn him to death. As the jury files into the room, it is obvious some of them are deeply affected by the weight of their decision while others are clearly convinced their conclusions are obvious. As none of the jurymen are identified by name for most of the movie, only two of them exchanging names at the very end of the film, the only way to refer to them is by their jury number, which is made easier as they sit at the table in this order. Casual chatter before they all convene officially indicates that most of the jury members feel the case is fairly solid, the boy is undeniably guilty of the crime. As the film moves forward, the reasons for this assurance are revealed. First, the boy was known to have

Friday, February 7, 2020

Children and Divorces Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Children and Divorces - Research Paper Example As a responsible parent, it commonly perceived to feel unsure of how to provide your children the esteem support throughout the separation or rather divorce period. It may seem to be an uncharted area but one can successfully move through this difficult time. Moreover, this is the time a parent aids their children emerging from it feel rekindled, strong and cared for. Furthermore, there exist numerous ways one can help their children adjust accordingly to divorce. Moreover, humility and reassurance can reduce the cumulative pressure and kids to cope well with the new prospects. Through provision of routines the children can depend on you remind your kids that they may rely on you for stabilization and support. In addition, there should be maintenance of a mutual relationship with the ex whereby you can help your children avoid the constant pressures that emanates from witnessing their parents in a fight or disagreement (Strong, 2010). Thus, such a transitional period cannot lack some extend of hardships though, it can strongly truncate the kids’ pain, stress and worries by making their safety and contentment your mission and priority since it is an obligation by both partners to take unconditional care of their children. Children normally have numerous needs that they anticipate their parents to accomplish. First, they require their parents, both, to get an interest in their livelihood. They expect their parents to express this concern by knowing their status every time, giving the gifts and family treats among other activities such as scribbling letters to them to show love and unconditional care. Moreover, kids anticipate their parents to avoid disagreement and fights that may eventually elicit sadness. They require their parents to easily deliberate and agree on solvable issues that make them quarrel every time they argue. Furthermore, kids anticipate their parents to always treat them and avoid